Booking a Session
Not Currently Accepting Sessions
Please only reach out to join the wait list.
To arrange a session, fill out the form below,
or send an e-mail to
with all of the following information:
your name
your birth date
Desired activities
Days and times you are available
Length of session requested
Two professional references
- one reference is sufficient if it is from
- if you are new to the scene, reach out
for alternative screening options
Acknowledgement you've read through this entire page
My hourly tribute is 300.
To secure your appointment time, you will send a 50% deposit,
and a transit gift of $40-$80
(depending on if the session is in San Francisco or the East Bay).
These will be delivered via Venmo or Cashapp @playjas.
Please be exceedingly discreet in the memo line.​
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I welcome emails with questions, concerns, and praise as long as you have looked through My website for answers first.
Feel free to send additional gifts & tributes along with any lengthy or on-going communications.